Saturday, October 13, 2018

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  9. The vision for education as expressed in the primary school curriculum is to enable the child to live a full life as a child and as an individual. The curriculum, therefore, take into account the effective, spiritual, moral and religious dimensions of the child's experiences. This study aimed to examine perception of teachers, parents and school management about religious education at primary schools. The study also focused on role playing by teachers, parents and management individually for RE.The quantitative analysis of data revealed that teachers, parents and school management support religious education at school but findings also show the absence of enough interest for fulfilling the role and responsibilities of school management. The findings of this study have strong implications for policy makers, curriculum developers, and educationist for delivering planned and systematic teaching for promoting and enhancing effective religious education at each primary level school. online math class

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  12. The state of the Pakistani educational system began to change and ultimately crumble after the 1980s. So called reforms have dramatically changed Pakistan's educational system, both from an economic and pedagogical perspective. There are clear signs that an affordable quality education in Pakistan is under threat. Pakistan's Class 7 Assignment 2021 ​system has fallen victim to neo-liberal globalization. Neo-liberalism has regarded the educational institutes more as a commodity exchange and commercial body than as a sacrosanct academic institution or means of social and national integration.

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