Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Student Visa Requirements for New Zealand

Requirements for New Zealand's Fee-paying student visa

To apply for a visa to New Zealand, you will need:

Your passport, which must be valid for at least three months after your period of stay in New Zealand.

A letter of acceptance from a New Zealand education provider, which states the minimum course duration, total tuition fee and whether the fee is in domestic or foreign currency. The course must be approved by the New Zealand Qualification Authority.

Additional documents include:

  • Academic preparation documents such as transcripts, diplomas, degrees or certificates.
  • Current application form - student visa application form. 
  • Visa application fee.
  • Tuition fee receipt showing a payment to date. 
  • Passport-sized photographs .

Must show evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover the living expenses throughout the period of the stay. Need to show you have NZ$ 15,000 for a full year of study or NZ$ 1,250 per month.

  • Bank Statements
  • Financial undertaking by a sponsor to cover accommodation and living costs. 
  • Evidence of outward travel.

  • A police certificate.
  • An X-ray certificate
  • Full medical examination. 

You may need to appear for an interview at the New Zealand embassy or consulate.

For assistance with admission and visa, you can write at thecurvedkey@gmail.com

Source: https://www.immigration.govt.nz


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